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InfiniGuard was born under the social enterprise umbrella. With support from United Way and its TEF program, infiniGuard found its identity as a social enterprise.


Our primary purpose for the business is to train and hire at-risk and marginalized youth, 18 to 29 who have sold or show the potential of selling or using drugs.


The business also recruits young women, especially women with hijabs whose culture might initially prevent them from engaging in this type of employment.


Every effort is made for young immigrants who would not necessarily get access to these opportunities, because of language or cultural barriers.


Each of the three target populations will be provided with FREE training and mentorship on customer service, as well as professional security etiquette.


Further to the purpose of the entity, InfiniGuard is committed to purchasing uniforms and other equipment from sustainable social enterprise channels.


To improve the lives of unemployed people facing barriers through employment and training.


Establish as a trusted security partner aimed to mitigate crime and better lives by providing employment through social procurement.


Lead the industry in a high-customer service environment to protect clients, patrons, property, and information.

Supported By :

York U Logo
Buy Social Logo
York U Logo
Yonge&Bloor ChickFilA Logo
CAMSC 2022 Logo
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